How to work effectively with a difficult boss


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    Key Books

    How to Defend Yourself from an Abusive Boss: The Formal Complaint Process

    Does Someone at Work Treat You Badly?/How to Handle Brutal Bosses, Crazy Coworkers...and Anyone Else Who Drives You Nuts

    Gray Matters : The Workplace Survival Guide

    Corporate Sponsorship

    Bad bosses are a significant and costly issue. Survey results indicate that approximately 40% of employees have had to deal with a bad boss. In fact, a Gallup survey of over 1,000,000 employees found that if a company is losing good people, more than any other single reason, the cause is their immediate supervisor: "People leave managers not companies... So much money has been thrown at the challenge of keeping good people - in the form of better pay, better perks and better training - when, in the end, turnover is mostly a manager's issue." Gallup also found that poorly managed workgroups are an average of 50% less productive and 44% less profitable than well managed groups.'s mission is to help protect individuals AND companies from bad bosses. The site is responsible and balanced, devoid of ranting and "Boss from Hell" stories, and it provides resources for bosses, executives and board members. In addition, there are discussion forums to raise questions, discuss issues and get input from others.

    This site is completely free for individuals and businesses of all sizes - from small to medium-sized enterprises to Fortune 500 companies. Consequently, we are asking corporations to participate in our sponsorship program. Both general and resource sponsors are being sought.

    Sponsoring corporations can demonstrate their commitment to protecting employees from bad bosses to their employees as well their bosses. Executives and human resources leaders can use's content, confidential discussion forums and vault (i.e., secure repository) as a truly leveraged resource. Further, the return on a sponsorship may be much greater than the investment in view the high costs of bad bosses to employees in terms of their health and well being and to companies in terms of productivity, innovation, turnover and profitability.

    Some questions to consider are: Do you think a bad boss in your organization would act differently knowing of your company's sponsorship of the site? Do you think your employees would be better able to protect themselves? What would the impact of a sponsorship be on your organization in terms of staff illness, absenteeism, turnover and profits? How would a visible commitment affect the senior management team's credibility?

    Sponsorship clearly has an external dimension as well. Sponsoring companies can demonstrate their commitment to protecting their employees from bad bosses to their communities, business partners and shareholders. Further, they can also realize business objectives by having a direct link to their website, products or services for customers.

    To learn more about our sponsorship program, please email or call us (416-201-9730) to arrange a confidential discussion.


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