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What do you do when you have a toxic boss? - The Economic Times"It does not matter whether I am in Hong Kong or Sao Paolo - people always want to talk about toxic bosses and what to do about them. Certainly, businesses the world over are facing greater competitive pressure than ever before and this leads to executive stress which, in turn, tends to bring out authoritarian tendencies in many bosses. However, we now also know a great deal more about what we can do personally to cope with a situation that is not likely to improve in the near future. The good news is that you can do a great deal to live a fulfilled, joyful productive life despite having Simon Legree as your overseer." Email Link | iFaveIt | Read: Comments: [add a comment]To reply to this topic or add a comment, just complete our 20-second registration process which is free and confidential. If you have already registered, you need to log in. |
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