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How to Survive the New Terror at Work: The Workplace Bully"Workplace bullying is aggressive or unreasonable behavior designed to negatively impact or destroy a coworker. Workplace bullies can be managers, coworkers, subordinates and even clients. Workplace bullies are insecure people who attempt to mask their insecurities with control and domination. The target usually provides insight into the bully. Bullies often target people they envy, people who have the traits and talents the bully wishes she possessed. The bully attempts to destroy the more skilled and more talented individual to feel more secure in her employment. According to the Workplace Bullying Institute, the following are the most common tactics used by workplace bullies:" Email Link | iFaveIt | Read: Comments: [add a comment]To reply to this topic or add a comment, just complete our 20-second registration process which is free and confidential. If you have already registered, you need to log in. |
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