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Are You a Bad Boss?"Not long ago, a thriving young manager we'll call Paul was happily ensconced in the IT department of a large manufacturing company. Paul loved his work, found his team members stimulating and had a great boss. One day Paul went to his boss, an IT director, asking for help. Paul was in the middle of a heated conflict with a coworker and hoped his boss could intervene in some way. Paul was so distressed about the problem, he wondered out loud whether he should look for work elsewhere. The boss scratched his head and came up with what he thought was a supportive answer. "Paul, you do what you feel is best for you." Wrong answer, boss." Email Link | iFaveIt | Read: Comments: [add a comment]To reply to this topic or add a comment, just complete our 20-second registration process which is free and confidential. If you have already registered, you need to log in. |
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