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Dealing with a Bad Boss"In the workplace, employees are faced with a number of issues that do not only irritate but may also take their toll on one's personal life. One of the most troublesome issues is the problem of dealing with a bad boss. Almost every organization has bad bosses. And bad bosses come in different forms - jerks, control freaks, micromanagers, ogres and bumbling fools among others. Though the pop culture may love making fun of bad bosses, it is no laughing matter when it comes to dealing with one yourself. You can really have a tough time when you are faced with a bad boss at the workplace. You may hate dealing with a boss with bad behavior. However, this is also conversely true that bad bossing is just a part of the organization's corporate culture." Email Link | iFaveIt | Read: Comments: [add a comment]To reply to this topic or add a comment, just complete our 20-second registration process which is free and confidential. If you have already registered, you need to log in. |
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