How to work effectively with a difficult boss


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    Key Books

    169 Ways to Score Points With Your Boss

    Who's Pulling Your Strings?: How to Break the Cycle of Manipulation and Regain Control of Your Life

    The Gentle Art of Verbal Self-Defense

    How to Survive and Get Ahead When Your Boss is A Tyrant, Control Freak, or Just Plain Nuts!

    Reviewer/Reader Feedback: "Whether master manipulator or serious psycho, a bad boss can make life miserable for everyone. Most workers simply can't walk away from a sticky supervisory situation, however; they need to learn instead how to cope as well as thrive. Career expert and syndicated columnist Bob Weinstein proposes ways to do just that. The result is an upbeat handbook filled with solid suggestions for getting along with any boss from hell."

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    Comments: [add a comment]

    User: anonymous
    Date: 4/14/2007 7:55:00 PM

    I've worked for a large corporation now for 8 years and this particular boss for almost 5 years as his 'personal secretary'. My boss is truly a boss from hell. His common micro-managing tactic is to back you into a small corner, chews you up into tiny pieces and not allow you to defend yourself no matter what the situation is for a 'mistake'. No explaination is good enough or excusable. Every 'mistake' is collected over a period of time, heavily documented and eventually thrown up in your face with threats and intimidation if you make another mistake you're out the door. This makes me make more. He truly rules with an iron fist. I dread every day going to work. My office is next to his so there is no escape and no place to hide. I pray everyday he doesn't show up or call. It's alot like working in a pressure cooker. When he's there he'll bombard me with a miriad of tasks due ASAP on top the already due mountain of work I have. I seldom get a break, let alone a lunch break and find myself giving up hours and hours of my personal time without compensation. I'm just trying to get my head above water but feel like I'll never catch up. Help! I'm exausted all the time and just feel like jumping off a bridge. I've seen a dozen or so managers come and go. Everyone from non-management to management dreads his presence. Workers that know his nasty managing style say they'd quit before working for him. I guess it's time to move on before do jump off a bridge.

    User: anonymous
    Date: 4/27/2007 12:45:00 AM

    I guess being overworked isn't the only issue. I 've worked in great places, but atleast the boss was civil and understanding to everyone. He has a nasty style, then keep notes of what he said and when. Inquire briefly and discreetly to those you trust. If they have similar views, ask if they are will to back you up. Three employees are a good number to start with. Otherwise it's just you. Hey atleast you showed some backbone instead of snivelling and complaining like other employees. You have intelligence, and a sense of pride, that is why you were hired..And you have your WRITTEN reference from your respectable collegues and plenty of job offers waiting for you.

    User: anonymous
    Date: 4/27/2007 12:46:00 AM

    Goodluck, 8 years is a loonnnng time! So you must have build a good rapport with people!!

    User: anonymous
    Date: 5/24/2007 7:19:00 AM

    There are other jobs you know! If you have managed to live under those conditions imagine how successful you will be with a normal boss!

    User: anonymous
    Date: 7/17/2007 8:20:00 AM

    My boss is my brother and he is completely out of his mind!!!.what holds me back is that he is family and the older one. A completely control freak nut.He needs help and will not try and get it .But i took a step forward and walked away from this abuse. I will not return to work for him anymore and let him fend for himself. I had enough and can do better else where even if it means taking a cut in salary. But at last i do not have to take his abuse any longer and can be happy,plus my own person again.

    User: anonymous
    Date: 8/7/2007 2:32:00 PM


    User: anonymous
    Date: 8/30/2007 10:20:00 PM

    I actually work in a womens shelter, where we are suppose to be preventing abuse. Our management team are abusing the staff and most of them don't realize it. I have stood up to them and everytime I do I suffer another consequence.. I contacted HR about a nasty email written about me by my ED and unfortunately the only thing I can complain about is the fact that he told a total stranger I was on stress leave.

    User: anonymous
    Date: 9/23/2007 11:51:00 PM

    I too have worked in a job from hell. I cannot even imagine staying 8 years. Currently, I am looking to get out by Jan 1st. I can totally sympathize with the woman in that position with the boss. I don't need to go into detail, but I had the same exact experience and actually went out on disability for 3 weeks. I actually could not walk, but body completely shut down. I got transferred to a different department but do not trust anyone or the corporation. I am waiting for the right opportunity, I cannot imagine staying for 8 years the money must be good, I am a pretty strong person but could not fathom staying that long. I anticipate leaving my hateful job by Jan 1, 2008, that is my goal and will make it happen. The abuse I took this past spring and summer I would never take again. Good luck

    User: anonymous
    Date: 3/3/2008 8:46:00 AM

    i'll happily leave. currently i have a management position, and my MD?...well, personal tasks (like the logo for his cooking club; a family video; delivery of his new X5, etc...) suddenly are prioritised when we have real, time consuming work to do. i'm at a point where i simply won't deliver his personal tasks. and well...should he try and reprimand me...i'll happily document it, take him to the CCMA and quit. i mean what's he gonna do? fire me? without consequence?

    User: anonymous
    Date: 5/6/2008 7:47:00 AM

    how about those incompetent bosses that were promoted to a position because of race? The idiot can't leave well enough alone and enjoy the ill-gotten fruits of their "non-labor"..they make the mistake of trying to speak, think. And yes, most of these are federal employees. They should be flipping burgers.

    User: anonymous
    Date: 10/29/2008 4:07:00 PM

    Or how about the ones that got ahead because they screwed their way to the top, or are the same ethnicity. In this case, the girl became manager because she was Greek. She's clueless! I would have helped her out too, if she hadn't orchestrated a smear campaign against me.

    User: anonymous
    Date: 12/18/2008 9:42:00 PM

    Oh I think I worked for your boss too! Secretaries, assistants come and go the long line of employees who keep leaving and THEY NEVER GET IT! hahah move on! You deserve better

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