"As a business and corporate consultant and psychotherapist, I’ve analyzed, worked with, and consulted with many difficult bosses over the years. In order to cope and deal with them, you need to know why they act the way they do and how best to deal with them, in order to earn their respect, get things accomplished, change negative situations to positive ones, and preserve your sanity."
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Read: blog.ebosswatch.com
"Privacy in the workplace is a contradiction in terms, says Frederick Lane III in his new book, The Naked Employee: How Technology Is Compromising Workplace Privacy (Amacom, 2003). Lane is an author, expert witness, professional speaker, and former attorney...Technology, according to Lane, allows companies to pry and probe into nearly every aspect of their employees' lives, including their habits, leisure-time activities, DMV records—even their genetic makeup."
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Read: optimizemag.com
"Many people across the country, no matter how innocent, have a nagging feeling that somewhere at headquarters there is a virtual voyeur, some faceless figure in the tech department, completely capable of rifling through their every e-mail, computer file and Web search. At his company, that's Mr. Dahlberg."
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Read: careerjournal.com